Bruce Goddard
Bruce lives on 33 acres in Franklin, NY with his wife Amy, where they keep two Icelandic horses, a cat and a bunch of chickens that all have names. He was born in 1947 (six days before Duane Allman) and, as a military brat moved every year to a different part of the country. He graduated from the University of Georgia in 1969 and has worked as a stock manager in the Organic Foods Co-op in Berkeley (peace and love), a public school teacher in Colorado, a carpenter for 7 years, a social worker in the Appalachians for 5 years and, up until December 31st, 2005 at 12:35pm, a pharmaceutical researcher for a company based in Lyon, France.
Artist Statement:
My first memory was watching my mother sitting at her easel on the front porch of our house when I was 2 years old. She was a medical illustrator before World War II but her passion was landscapes. I watched her paint over the years and she showed me a few tricks but mostly I imprinted her techniques by watching her paint. While living in Berkeley California I studied photography at the San Francisco Art Institute. I have also had the great good fortune of studying with Peter Cox at the National Academy School of Fine Arts in New York for two years. Since moving to the Catskills I have also learned welding at Boces.
I paint in acrylics on gesso board or canvas. I love painting portraits. You can see a lot of where a person has been and where they are going by looking at their face. It’s a roadmap or a topography that has been etched and worn into a face by the journey.
- University of Georgia, BS in Psychology, 1969
- San Francisco Art Institute, Photography, 1970
- National Academy School of Fine Arts, 1985-1987
- New York State Fire/EMT Basic and Continuing Education 1988-1996
I retired from a pharmaceutical research, regulatory affairs position in 2005 after 30 years in the field and moved to Franklin, New York. I took up painting at the earliest opportunity and haven’t looked back – just kidding – I look back all the time.
- Cooperstown Art Association, Cooperstown, NY
- National Society of Painters in Casein & Acrylic
- Wednesday Painters, Franklin, NY
- Nobles County Art Association, Worthington, MN
- The Smithy, Cooperstown, NY
- Stagecoach Run Art Festival, Treadwell, NY – 2014 – present
- Essential Art, Cooperstown Art Association, Cooperstown, NY – 2014
- Collage Art, Nobles County Art Center, MN – 2014
- Duo Loco, High Country, Andes NY – 2015
- Wednesday Painters Group Show, Walton, NY – 2016
- National Show, Cooperstown Art Association, Cooperstown, NY – 2016
- Maryann Stow Memorial Fund Raiser, Cano Art Gallery, Oneonta, NY – 2017
- Wednesday Painters Group Show, Cooperstown Art Assoc., Cooperstown, NY – 2017
- Essential Art, Cooperstown Art Association, Cooperstown, NY – 2017
- Keep This, Solo Show, Bright Hill Word & Image Gallery, Treadwell, NY – 2017
- Contemporary Landscapes, Roxbury Arts Center, Roxbury, NY – 2018
- Essential Art, Cooperstown Art Association, Cooperstown, NY – 2018
- Group Shows, Word and Image Gallery, Treadwell, NY 2018 – 2019
- Fire, Smithy Pioneer Gallery Cooperstown, New York – 2021
- Water, Smithy Pioneer Gallery, Cooperstown, NY – 2021
- Wednesday Painters Group Show, Nobles County Art Center, MN – 2020
- Winter Show, Nobles County Art Center, MN – 2021
- Juror, Essential Art, Cooperstown Art Association, Cooperstown, NY – 2021
- Essential Art, Cooperstown Art Association, Cooperstown, NY – 2022
- National Show, Cooperstown Art Association, Cooperstown, NY – 2022
- Luck of the Draw, Cooperstown Art Association, Cooperstown, NY – 2022
- Ukraine Benefit, Doctors Without Borders, Bloomville NY – 2022